
Sunday, April 16, 2017


12 Rhoades rolls, (take out of freezer 1 hour before you’re ready to make)
4 TB sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
12 large marshmallows
1/4 cup butter, melted

Combine sugar and cinnamon in a small bowl and set aside
Roll marshmallow in butter
Roll in cinnamon sugar mix
Press each portion into a flat circle
Place1 large marshmallow in the center of each roll

Pinch roll dough very firmly around the marshmallow. Roll each into a seamless, or nearly seamless, ball with your hands.

Put each roll into 1 cup of muffin tin

Brush rolls with remaining melted butter. Sprinkle remaining cinnamon/sugar mixture over rolls.

Cover rolls with plastic wrap and put in the fridge overnight.

On Sunday morning, preheat oven to 350°.

Take rolls out of fridge and bake for 15 minutes until rolls are golden brown. Be careful not to overbake. (These may also be baked without sitting overnight. After wrapping the marshmallow in them, let them rise for about an hour or so and then bake them as usual.)

Marshmallow – Body of Jesus
Butter – Oils for Embalming
Cinnamon/Sugar – Spices used to anoint body
Roll – Wrapping of Jesus’ body
Oven – Tomb
Hollow roll – Empty tomb after Jesus has risen

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